Baby Magazine's 13th Anniversary issue is here and this is, by far, the most demanding issue I have worked on and I wouldn't want it any other way. I almost feel like I aged quite a bit during the course of working on this one. I felt I achieved a certain level of maturity in my work which is something I always strive for. Babymag readers will find a "redesigned" Baby as we re-think some design issues that have not been addressed for the past few years. One thing I learned from this exercise is that ideas are not indespensible. I will go deeper into that in another post since this space is all about this month's issue.

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BabyMag online? YES!

A lot of Babymag readers have been waiting for this for quite awhile. Baby Magazine has gone online with and as usual, Baby Magazine takes things a step further with full articles from our distinguished panel of expert columnists and a community of parents, to trade parenting tips with. See ya'll there!